luni, 30 mai 2022

Batalia de la Carnus!Partea-1!

 1-216-I-HR !

2-Hannibal a decis  sa isi faca baza principala in Capua-Sudul-Italiei .

3-Roma recruteaza urgent 90 mii legionari !

4-Aliati-Romei cunosteau pericolul numit Hannibal .

5-Fabius-Maximus ales Consul din nou !

   1-Fabius-Maximus nu intra in lupta imediat .

6-Razboiul Roma vs Cartagena se desfasura deja in toata Mediterana .

   1-Roma era superioara in privinta flotei-navale .

7-Hannibal primeste intariri din Italia si Sicilia .

8-Magu si-a facut baza la Brindisium 

    1-Mago stia de suprematia navala a Romei dar a reusit in cateva ocazi sa aduca intariri pentru Hannibal .

9-Mago urma sa se duca in Cartagena pentru a convinge Senatul !

   1-Era nevoie de trupe noi si finante .

10-Cartagena numai era forta militara nr-1 dar inca putea sa strange trupe suficiente .


1-Hannibal in Italia !

2-Roma o stanca prea puternica .


1-Istoria personala !

duminică, 29 mai 2022

Asediul din Alexandria!Partea-3!

 1-Cezar fara ajutor din partea aliator din Pontus nu putea sa mentina suprematia in Alexandria .

2-Pofinus-General nr-1 al lui Ptolomeu a reusit sa castige portul din Alexandria pentru moment .

3-Cezar a  primit inca 1 legiune din Siria !

4-Cezar cu doar 2 legiuni a reusit sa castige razboiul civil pentru Cleopatra !

5-Ptolomeu moare in acest razboi-civil .

6-Arsinuie moare asasinata la ordinul lui Cleopatra .

7-Cezar a dus pacea in Egypt !

8-Graul din Egypt putea din nou sa plece spre Roma !

9-Roma depindea peste 85 la suta de graul Egyptean .

10-Cezar a mai reusit o noua mare victorie militara .


1-Cezar si Roma .

2-Haosul din Alexandria .


1-Istoria pe care o cunosc .

joi, 26 mai 2022

Asediul din Alexandria!Partea-2!

 1-Cezar a urmat sa arbitreze razboiul dintre Cleopatra si Ptolomeu .

2-Cezar sedus de Cleopatra .

3-Cleopatra inteligenta si fara frica sa intre in lupta !

   1-Cleopatra vorbea 8 limbi-antice .

4-Cezar i-a acordat Cleopatrei-Tronul Egyptului .

5-Cezar a incercat sa o atraga pe Arsinuie de partea Romei !

   1-Arsinuie era sora-Cleopatrei .

6-Ptolomeu nemultumit total de purtarea lui Cezar .

7-Trupele lui Ptolomeu care se aflau in Pelusium au primit ordin sa porneasca spre Alexandria .

    1-Ptolomeu dispunea de 20-25 mii soldati .

8-Orasul-Alexandria si strazile inguste l-au salvat pe Cezar .

9-Cezar a cerut ajutor militar aliatilor din zona !

   1-In special din Pontus .

10-Cezar a pierdut peste 700 de legionari in lupta din portul-Alexandriei .


1-Cezar si Roma .

2-Haosul din Alexandria .


1-Istoria pe care o cunosc .

Cynane Macedonian

 1-Acest articol este copiat !

2-Istoria ramane pasiunea mea nr -1!

Cynane a Macedonian Warrior Princess 357 BC to 323 BC, and half sister to Alexander the Great, was the daughter of King Phillip ll of Macedon, and Illyrian Princess Audata. Following the Illyrian tradition of women Audata raised her daughter Cynane in martial arts and many more warrior techniques, and the belief she was equal to any man. Cynane lived this belief and instilled this belief to her daughter Adea. After Alexander's death Cynane arranged the marriage of her daughter to marry Alexander's successor in order to place her in power and safety. Her daughter would rule with Phillip lll under the name Queen Eurydice ll, and carry out her mother's legacy as a independent and powerful woman. When Phillip ll deafeated the Illyrian King Bardylis in 358 BC he took Audata (Cynane's mother) the kings oldest daughter as a war trophy and means of keeping the peace. She brought Cynane up to hunt, track, and ride and fight better than most men. Cynane known for these values became famous for courage in battles. Throughout antiquity the Illyrians, one of Macedonia's greatest enemies and ferocious warriors situated to the north and west of Macedonia. Cynane accompanied the Macedonian army were she proved first hand her military skills. Polyaenus 450 years later recalls a famous story about Cynane, she commanded armies and in the field charged ahead of them. In a battle with the Illyrians in 344 BC she slayed the Illyrian Queen Caeria with her hands with a fatal blow to the throat. Cynane was one year older tha Alexander the Great, she died the same year he did in 323 BC. Her end came when Cynane saw her old friend Alcetas standing in front of his army, Cynane began a talk with him, according to accounts he had enough of her, and in front of everyone, acting on orders of Perdiccus, pulled out his sword and slayed her, she fell to the ground lifeless. The soldiers were enraged, how could Alcetas do such a thing to this famous warrior who was directly related to someone they thought was with the gods now. The soldiers forced Alcetas a famous general himself to carry out Cynane's wishes that her daughter Adea would marry Phillip Arrhidaeus lll in Babylon, and Adea would be their new Queen Adea Eurydice ll




marți, 24 mai 2022

Asediul din Alexandria!Partea-1!

 1-Dupa batalia de la Pharsalus 48-I-HR !Marcus Antonius s-a dus la Roma pentru a anunta victoria lui Cezar .

2-Marcus Antonius a fost nr-1 in Roma cat timp Cezar l-a urmarit pe Pompey in Egypt si in timpul Asediul-Alexandriei .

3-Cezar cu doar 4000 de legionari s-a dus in Egypt .

4-Cezar odata intrat in Alexandria observa haosul militar si politic !

   1-A primit capul lui Pompey pe tava .

5-Cezar a dat ordin ca imediat uciderea  celor care l-au ucis pe Pompey .

6-Antonius la Roma a continuat politica lui Cerzar .

   1-Cezar si-a pastrat functia de Dictator datorita lui Marcus Antonius .

7-Cezar a cerut imediat imprastierea armatelor lui Ptolomeu din afara Alexandriei .

8-Cleopatra si Ptolomeu au luptat pentru suprematia din Egypt .

9-Cleopatra s-a aliat cu Cezar .

10-Cezar a cerut de la Ptolomeu sumele uriase pe care Pompey le-a oferit celor din Egypt .


1-Cezar si Roma .

2-Haosul din Alexandria .


1-Istoria pe care o cunosc .

sâmbătă, 21 mai 2022


 1-Octavian si Antonius au lasat o legiune in preajma Senatului aratand o adevarata dovada de forta .

2-Fiecare poarta a Romei era pazita de trupele lui Octavian si Antonius .

3-Antonius si Octavian si-au pus oameni de baza in cele mai bune functi din Roma .

4-Listele morti tot apareau in Roma !

   1-In Senat au aparut noi membri loiali celui de-al 2-Triumvirat .

5-Antonius si-a trecut unchiul propriu pe listele-morti .

   1-Mama lui Antonius l-a convins sa il stearga dupa aceste liste .

6-Multe persoane dupa listele morti au evadat in Sicilia,Grecia si Spania sau alaturi de Sectus-Pompey .

7-Sectus-Pompey a strans legiuni numeroase si in special forta-navala .

8-Listele morti au aparut in perioada 43-42-I-HR .

9-Antonius si Octavian era vazut de Sectus-Pompey ca 2 dictatori fara mila .

10-Triumviratul controla complet Roma si Italia .


1-Primul-Triumvirat cum s-a facut .

2-Lupta pentru putere din Republica-Romana .



1-Istoria pe care o cunosc personal .

joi, 19 mai 2022


 1-Octavian cel mai slab militar dintre cei 3!

    1-Marcus-Antonius,Lepudus si Octavian !

2-Cezarieni au facut listele morti !

    1-Exact ca Sulla in 83-I-HR .

3-Cei trei au facut listele morti si nu au avut mila fata de dusmani lor .

4-Marcus Antonius avea un numar de dusmani mult mai mare ca Octavian si Lepudus .

5-Octavian dupa o perioada numai dorea alte liste ale morti .

6-Antonius si Lepudus au propus o singura trezorerie si sa fie in Roma .

7-In 3 zile peste 100 Senatori au murit !

   1-In total o treime au murit datorita listelor-morti .

   2-Averile acestora au ajuns in mana celor 3 de mai sus .

8-Panica in Roma a predominat  !

9-Cicero vocea-Republici-Romane .

10-Capul si mainile lui Cicero au fost expuse la portile-Senatului .

   1-Marcus-Antonius a fost dusmanul nr-1 al lui Cicero .


1-Primul-Triumvirat cum s-a facut .

2-Lupta pentru putere din Republica-Romana .



1-Istoria pe care o cunosc personal .

luni, 16 mai 2022


 1-Dupa batalia de la  Mutina-21-aprilie-43-I-HR  in Italia predomina haosul.

2-Octavian si legiunile sale folosite de Senat .

3-Octavian dorea postul de Consul dar Senatul considera ca nu are varsta necesara .

4-Marcus Antonius si Lepudus sau retras in Munti-Galici .

5-Pompey si Gaius-Marius au fost consuli cand erau mai tineri ca Octavian .

6-Octavian fara mila pentru dusmani sai politici si militari .

7-Marcus-Antonius castiga aliati din Spania !

    1-Trupe-Romane ma refer.

    2-Generali-Blancus,Pulus si Gaius-Antonius.

8-Antonius si Lepudus controlau 27 de legiuni !

   1-Antonius si Lepudus aveau 17 legiuni in tabara iar inca 10 la granitele  din Spania,Galia si Germania .

9-Decimus-Brutus vs Marcus-Antonius si Octavian .

    1-Decimus-Brutus decapitat de triburile-galice loaile lui Marcus Antonius .

10-Legiunile lui Decimus-Brutus sau dus spre Marcus-Antonius si Octavian .


1-Primul-Triumvirat cum s-a facut .

2-Lupta pentru putere din Republica-Romana .



1-Istoria pe care o cunosc personal .


vineri, 13 mai 2022


 1--Istorici din Grecia-Antica au sustinut ca Roma s-a facut dupa razboiul-troian !

2-Anul 731-I-HR mai precis .

3-Anul este neclar din punctul meu de vedere .

4-Dupa razboiul-troian Enus si Paris au condus o mica parte de luptatori spre Peninsula-Italica !

   1-Luptatori troieni ma refer .

5-Enus si Paris a reusit sa formeze o echipa de gladiatori pentru a strange fonduri necesare troienilor din Italia .

6-Enus si Cornelia parinti lui Romului si Remus .


7-Romulus si Remus au fost rapiti de la Mama dupa nastere .

8-Romulus si Remus au stat mult timp singuri si fara hrana !

9-Legenda spune ca Lupaioca i-a gasit si imediat a inceput sa ii protejeze .

10-Legenda spune despre Ciobanul-Fautus .


1-Legenda-Romei .

2-Romulus si Remus .


1-Istoria pe care o cunosc personal .

miercuri, 11 mai 2022

Constantinopol !

 1-Acest articol este copiat !

2-Istoria ramane pasiunea mea nr-1!

Today is the 1,692 anniversary of May 11th, 330 AD when the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great inaugurated his new capital city Nova Roma (New Rome) which would quickly become known as Constantinople (the city of Constantine). The city would go on to become extremely magnificent and known as the "Queen of Cities".

According to the authors Elizabeth James & Stephen English in Constantine the Great General: A Military Biography. Constantinople was superior to Rome in several key ways:

• It was strategically well sited, being the gateway not only from east to west, but north to south.

• It controlled the grain trade out of the Black Sea and whoever controlled the city could, therefore, control that trade (although the Black Sea region was not the only exporter of grain of course).

• It occupied a very defensible location. It was true that the city had only fallen after a siege to two emperors: Septimius Severus (only after a difficult siege) and Constantine himself. Once the city had been properly fortified it became a stronghold far exceeding the defensive capabilities of Rome.

• Constantinople could also be supplied by sea. As long as the city maintained naval supremacy in its waters, it could not be starved into submission and could receive regular reinforcements and resupplies as required. In comparison, Rome had to be supplied from a port at Ostia some miles away from the city which had all the potential difficulties of interruptions to the lines of supply as were faced by Athens and its port at Piraeus.

Nic Fields the author of God's City: Byzantine Constantinople wrote that:

The ancient city of Constantinople had five palaces, fourteen churches including the Church of the Holy Apostles, six divine residences of the Augustae, three most noble houses, eight baths, two basilicas, four forums, two senates, five granaries, two theatres, two mime theatres, four harbours, one circus [the Hippodrome], four cisterns, four nymphaea [public fountains], 322 neighbourhoods, 4,388 large houses, fifty-two porticoes, 153 private baths, twenty public mills, 120 private mills, 117 stairways, five meat markets… the Forum of Augustus, the Capitol, the Mint and three ports.

*He should have also mentioned the great walls of Theodosius.

Constantinople would serve as the capital of the Roman Empire from 330-1204 AD and then again from 1261-1453 AD.

Cum a inceput Primul-Razboi-Punic !Partea-3!

 1-Roma privea spre Africa pentru noi trupe si in special pentru o noua sursa de grau .

2-4-Legiuni sub conducerea lui Atius-Regius au debarcat in Africa .

3-Cele 4-legiuni pierd in Africa !

4-Urmatoarea etapa consta razboiul pentru suprematia din Sicilia .

5-Sicilia era greu de asaltat direct dupa mare si aici ma refer la Flota-Romana .

6-Roma mai pune in joc 3 legiuni !

7-Cartagena a castigat 2 lupte-navale .

   1-Dupena-279-I-HR !

   2-Centrat-278-I-HR !

   3-Nu stiu sigur daca am pronuntat corect aceste lupte .

8-Cartagena avea principalul accest in Sicilia .

9-Amelius-Batius este trimis in Sicilia de Senatul-Roman .

   1-Acesta adopta tactica de gherila la inceput.

10-Roma a realizat o flota de 200 nave pentur a lupta cu Cartagena 

   1-Roma arata deja o forta uriasa de energie umana-militara .

Rezumat !

1-Primul-Razboi-Punic .

2-Dominatia-Navala din Mediterana .

Surse !

1-Documentare-Youtube !

2-Istoria pe care o cunosc .

luni, 9 mai 2022


 1-Acest articol este copiat !

2-Istoria ramane pasiunea mea nr-1.

“I swear with all the passion in my heart that I will never desert our homeland or permit any other citizen of Rome to leave her in the lurch. If I willfully break my oath may Jupiter, Greatest and Best, bring me to a shameful death, with my house, my family, and all I possess! Swear the same oath, Caecilius! And the rest of you, swear it too. If anyone refuse, against him this sword is drawn.”

That was the oath made by Scipio the Younger after the Battle of Cannae had wiped out a generation of Roman soldiers and left the Second Punic War on the precipice – only Roman belligerence would save the republic from defeat. Scipio had rescued his father at Ticinus, survived the Trebia, and then been among the (relatively) few to escape from the bloodbath at Cannae alive.

The following years had seen his fortunes plummet further, as the defeat of the legions in Hispania at the Battle of Upper Baetis saw his father and uncle die and left the peninsula on the cusp of Punic domination.

In this painting by Tiepolo, Scipio Africanus is shown releasing the nephew of the Prince of Numidia after he was captured by Roman soldiers.

Then 25-year-old Scipio was the only member of the Senate to accept the seemingly poisoned chalice of commanding the Iberian legions, and although he started well and seized New Carthage, before ostensibly defeating Hasdrubal Barca, his incomplete victory allowed the second Barcid son to escape with his army to Italy. His blushes were spared by Claudius Nero’s victory at the Metaurus preventing Hasdrubal from reinforcing Hannibal, but Scipio had still failed in his task of preventing the Punic troops from leaving Iberia. Scipio would soon be presented with an opportunity for redemption, as instead of reinforcing Hannibal in Italy, the merchants of Carthage instead decided to make one last attempt to secure their grasp of Iberia.

Punic reinforcements which landed in early 207 BC under Hanno were soon joined by the youngest Barcid brother Mago, and they began extensive recruitment among the Celtiberian mercenaries to raise an indomitable force. Hasdrubal Gisco advanced from Gades to Andalusia, leaving Scipio facing two concentrated enemy forces, one of which could attack his rear if he advanced on the other – a precarious situation.

After careful planning, Scipio chose to send a detachment under Marcus Junius Silanus to attack Mago. Marching at pace, he was able to surprise the youngest son of Hamilcar as he attacked their camps, scattering the Celtiberians and capturing Hanno. Hasdrubal was thus left along to face Scipio, though he avoided battle by instead splitting his troops among the various cities as garrisons, leading to that campaigning year of 207 BC to end without any further action. 

The following Spring saw the last great effort launched by Carthage to reclaim Iberia.

Mago was joined at Ilipa by Hasdrubal, creating a force of between 54,000 and 74,000 – considerably larger than the 48,000 men under Scipio, which itself was lacking in legionary veterans and largely comprised of Celtiberian mercenaries. As soon as the legions arrived, Mago launched a cavalry attack on his camp with his Numidians under Masinissa, though Scipio had anticipated this. Hiding his own cavalry behind a hill, he was able to unleash them on the Punic flank, routing them and causing heavy losses.

The next few days were spent with the two sides testing and probing one another, with Scipio always allowing the Carthaginians to lead their troops out of camp to form up before he did. Each day he presented a solid and typical Roman fighting line, with his legions in the centre and Celtiberian mercenaries on the wings. Mago and Hasdrubal understood that he would adopt this formation and look to punch through the Punic centre, as the legions had done at the Trebia.

After several days of this, Scipio was confident that the Carthaginian commanders were assured of his formation. He sent his cavalry and velites (light infantry javelin skirmishers) against the Punic camp at daybreak, advancing his main force behind. This time hie legions stood on the wings, with his Celtiberian mercenaries in the centre – reminiscent of Hannibal’s formation at Cannae. Surprised by the sudden attack, the Carthaginians rushed to arms and sallied out without breakfast – Scipio’s experience of Hannibal’s tricks and mind games was now being used against his own countrymen.

Hasdrubal arranged his African veterans in the centre, believing they would be countering the legions, with his Celtiberian mercenaries on the wings to counter their countrymen. As the formations advanced towards one another, the Carthaginians learnt too late of the change in Roman formation as they closed on the Punic camp and were thus unable to rearrange their own accordingly. Arranging an ancient army of tens of thousands for battle could take hours and was never and easy of quick manoeuvre. 

Scipio held back his infantry behind the skirmishers, making his enemy grow hungrier and wearier in the day wore on. As the bulk of the Roman army advanced, the velites fell back between the spaces of the maniples to flank the legions who, now on the flanks themselves, advanced at a faster pace than their Celtiberian comrades in the centre in a concave line – this was essentially a reverse Cannae formation, marching with a withheld centre and protruding wings, rather than Hannibal’s protruding centre which lured the legions into the middle of his line. The addition of the velites to the flanks expanded the line further, with the cavalry supporting them in enveloping the whole Punic line. 

Scipio’s velites and cavalry engaged the ill-disciplined Celtiberian mercenaries on their flank, while his veteran legions now crashed into their front. The African veterans in the Punic centre was helpless to support them, as the Roman refused centre was looming close, but still not engaging them. The contest on the wings was a complete mismatch, and the Roman legions bulldozed through the stunned Celtiberians.

The Punic centre was further hampered when their own elephants – which by now the Romans were quite capable of countering – were driven through their own centre by the cavalry attacking the flanks.

The Carthaginians began to withdraw as hunger and fatigue took its toll, initially maintain the bulk of their force in good order. Before they could organise a retreat, Scipio advanced his Iberian centre to engage them and now, with them attacking from the front and the legions marching at them having folded the wings, the Punic army broke. Scipio had hoped for a massacre to avenge Cannae but was thwarted from turning the conflict into a complete bloodbath by a sudden downpour, which brought the engagement to a halt and enabled the Carthaginians to find refuge in their camp.

Despite this, the Battle of Ilipa was still a crushing defeat for Carthage.

The Punic forces were unable to rest easy in their camp, knowing that morning would bring a renewed Roman assault and they would thus need strengthened defences. As they set to fortifying the encampment, more and more of the surviving Celtiberian mercenaries, wishing to test the legions no further following their mauling, deserted in droves as chunks of the army melted away. Hasdrubal sought to slip away in darkness with what remained of his force, but Scipio called an immediate pursuit.

Led by the cavalry, the entire Roman host was now giving chase to the battered remnants of the Carthaginian army. When the legions finally closed with their beleaguered foe, the butchery began. From his formerly huge army, Hasdrubal was soon left with little more than 6,000 men. They would surrender to Rome soon after, though Hasdrubal and Mago made good their escape. 

Carthage was now a broken force in Hispania.

With Hannibal isolated and ineffectual in Italy, the great maritime city would now turn its focus to home defence. Hispania would become one of Rome’s earliest provinces, though would not be fully conquered for almost two centuries, when the first Emperor Augustus pushed the boundaries of Rome to the Atlantic. Hasdrubal Gisco would sail for Africa and the Numidian king Syphax, where he would meet with, and compete with, his enemy Scipio for the favour of the African leader.

The feast at Syphax: After having reconquered Spain, Scipio leaves for Africa. He goes to Syphax king of the Masaesulians to obtain his alliance. There he meets his enemy Hasdrubal whom he charms with his good manners. Purchase 1995.

Mago Barca made for the Balearics and would then sail to Liguria in an attempt to support Hannibal in northern Italy. Although Rome was now the undisputed power in Iberia, there was still work to be done in pacifying the warlike tribes to ensure republican support. Although he still faced a struggle to pacify the peninsula, Scipio was already forming his designs to lead an invasion of Africa that would bring the Second Punic War to its epic conclusion and bring two of antiquity’s greatest generals to the battlefield to settle the titanic contest.

duminică, 8 mai 2022

Cum a inceput Primul-Razboi-Punic !Partea-2!

 1-Roma a cucerit Mesina !

2-Roma dorea ca legiunile sa aiba baza principala in Sicilia !

   1-Baza din zona ma refer la dominatia-navala .

3-Siraciza in Mana-Romei .

4-Sicilia de sud deja in mana-Romei .

5-Primul-Razboi-Punic si-a desfasurat actiunea principala pe mare .

6-Cartagena pierde un grup de nave in apropierea-Siciliei  !

    1-Roma le-a capturat si a facut varianta mai buna a flotei-proprie .

7-Batalia de la Islas-Lipuri !280-I-HR !Cartagena a castigat .

8-Batalia de la Capul-Enocmus!280-I-HR!Roma a castigat .

9-Roma clar in avantaj in privinta unui razboi de durata .

10-Roma a inventat Corvusul .

   1-Pod ce permitea trecerea trupelor dupa un vas pe altul .

   2-Luptea sa fie ca pe uscat .

joi, 5 mai 2022

Cum a inceput Primul-Razboi-Punic !

 1-264-241-I-HR !

2-Roma controla Peninsula-Italica .

3-Roma dorea Sicilia si automat lucrul asta inseamna razboi cu  Cartagena!

   1-Sicilia inseamna un granar important !

  2-Sicilia un vital port-maritim !

4-Cartagena chiar avea unele legaturi comerciale cu Roma-Antica .

5-Sicilia la inceput era neutra !

   1-Dorea un fel de independenta .

6-Cartagena a ajutat cel mai mult economic orasul-Sicilia pana la startul-Primului-Punic .

7-Consulul Valerius a avut responsabilitatea cuceriri-Siciliei .

8-Legiunile-Romane nu aveau experienta in lupta pe Mare !

9-Cartagena a facut alianta cu Siracuza !

10-Senatul din Cartagena a propus dublarea flotelor !

     1-Ma refer la Flota-Cartageneza .

Rezumat !

1-Primul-Razboi-Punic .

2-Dominatia-Navala din Mediterana .

Surse !

1-Documentare-Youtube !

2-Istoria pe care o cunosc .


marți, 3 mai 2022


 1-21-APRILIE-753-I-HR !

2-Romulus si Remus doreau sa faca un Oras in  locul unde au fost hraniti de lupoaica !

3-Romulus de la inceput nu s-a inteles cu Remus .

4-Orasul s-a ridicat !

5-Romulus si Remus sau nascut in 771-I-HR !

6-Rela-Silvia-Mama lor .

7-Campul lui Marte locul sfant pentru cei 2 .

8-Romulus mai puternic fizic .

9-Romani din perioada veche stiau de data 21-aprilie-753-I-HR !

10-Consulatul se facea dupa data de 21-aprilie !

    1-21-aprilie se incepea consulatul iar 21 aprilie dupa 6 luni si un an se termina !


1-Legenda-Romei .

2-Romulus si Remus .


1-Istoria pe care o cunosc personal .


duminică, 1 mai 2022

Cezar la Gargovia !Partea-3!

 1-Intr-un final Cezar a reusit sa se intalneasca cu cele 4 legiuni ale lui Labianus din Nord !

2-Cezar a scris Senatului !

   1-Dorea cele 2 legiuni care le-a trimis la inceputul razboiului-Galic pentru sprijin !

3-Cezar nu a expus totul despre batalia de la Gargovia si ma refer in fata-Senatului .

   1-Cezar catre Senat a spus ca doar 700 de soldati a pierdut !

  2-Cezar pierduse la Gargovia in jur de 7000 soldati .

4-Cezar a reusit sa refaca repede moralul trupelor sale !

5-Cezar a aflat ca o alta armata galica venea spre legiunile sale .

6-Cezar ignora total aceasta veste .

7-Cezar stia ca numarul-Galic nu reprezenta mare lucru in fata trupelor sale atat de disciplinate .

8-Fortele-Galice evitau total lupta in camp deschis .

9-Senatul refuza sa trimita cele 2 legiuni !

   1-Pompey le tinea pentru a apara Roma .

10-Cezar cu 10 legiuni se indrepta spre Alexia !

    1-Peste 7000 calareti .

    2-Labianus si Marcus-Antonius reprezentau generali nr-1 din fortele sale .

    3-A urmat batalia de la Alexia .