miercuri, 31 martie 2021


1-Istoria mereu imi face o placere enorma cand o citesc  si mai ales cand dau un asa erou !

2-Acest articol este copiat !

3-Istoria ramane pasiunea mea nr-1!

José Mendoza nacido en Oaxaca el 10 de julio de 1910 tuvo que emigrar a Estados Unidos con parientes pues sus padres habían fallecido cuando el era niño, desde joven trabajo en múltiples lugares buscando el pan de cada día hasta que empezó una carrera como boxeador y pese a su altura y peso (1.65 y 55 kilos) tuvo 52 victorias y solo 3 derrotas.
Poco después se enlisto en el ejercito y fue enviado al legendario desembarco de Normandía, José desembarcó con el resto de su división en la playa de Omaha, la que más resistencia alemana presentó y donde más bajas aliadas hubo e incluso fue herido en esta batalla pero solo recibió los primeros auxilios y continuo en la batalla.
Pero la acción que haría famoso al sargento Mendoza tuvo lugar durante la última gran contraofensiva del ejército alemán: la batalla de las Ardenas. El ataque a gran escala de las tropas alemanas en esa zona de Europa comenzó el 16 de diciembre de 1944. José y su compañía estaban en un pueblo belga llamado Krinkelt y recibieron la orden de defender su posición ante la más que posible aparición de tropas alemanas camino de Amberes. Los soldados tomaron posiciones en las afueras del pueblo y José Mendoza, con su ametralladora Browning M1919 calibre .30 cubría el flanco derecho desde una trinchera fortificada. Sin embargo, el ataque alemán llegó por el flanco izquierdo. Sin pensarlo, el sargento agarró su ametralladora y salió corriendo para ayudar a sus compañeros.
Mendoza comenzó a defender la zona dando de baja a decenas de soldados alemanes, pero poco después apareció un tanque alemán Panzer VI Tiger tras el cual avanzaban varios pelotones de infantería. Pese a que sabía que no tenía nada que hacer contra el formidable vehículo blindado y que la mayoría de sus compañeros habían retrocedido para hacerse fuertes en el pueblo, siguió disparando sin parar, concentrando su fuego en la infantería.
Completamente solo, López resistió los intentos de los alemanes de flanquearlo y pillarlo por sorpresa. Un cañonazo del Tiger lo tiró al suelo, pero no estaba herido y enseguida se puso en pie y buscó un nuevo refugio desde el que seguir hostigando a los alemanes. Un segundo cañonazo del tanque lo derribó y le causó una conmoción, pero una vez mas volvió a levantarse. Siguió cambiando de posición sin dejar de hacer fuego sobre las tropas alemanas. Sólo cuando se le agotó la munición, retrocedió hacia las posiciones del resto de su unidad. No obstante, los alemanes, sea porque tenían prisa o porque no querían perder más hombres, pasaron de largo por Krinkelt, sin intentar tomarlo. En total, el enfrentamiento había durado desde las 11:30 hasta las 18:30 y en ese tiempo se estima que José Mendoza abatió a más de 100 soldados alemanes, tiempo después se enlistaría en la guerra de Corea también.

Falleció a causa de un cáncer el 16 de mayo de 2005, con casi 95 años. En su memoria, llevan su nombre una calle y un parque de Mission (Texas), además de un colegio en San Antonio. También hay una estatua suya en el Parque de los Veteranos en Brownsville, Está enterrado en el Cementerio Nacional del Fuerte Sam Houston, se le dieron múltiples reconocimientos en Nueva York y Washington y en una visita a su país de origen el presidente de México; Ávila Camacho le dio la más alta condecoración militar de México, además de recibir la más alta condecoración militar de Estados Unidos por su valor en combate, la medalla de honor


Stefan cel Mare -Partea-4!

 1-Duce lupte contra-Tatarilor,Ungurilor,Polonezilor.

2-Duce lupte de eliberare si in Tara-Romaneasca .

3-Dorea libertate pentru Toate-Tarile-Romane .

4-Avea un sistem de informare din toate Tarile-Romane !

        1-Il placea sa stie tot ce misca si mai ales miscarile-Otomane .

5-Tot timpul dorea armate puternice si bine pregatite .

6-Stefan avea o inteligenta militara extraordinara !

      1-Profita mereu la maxim de teren-ul luptei.

      2-De vreme .

    3-De nr-inamic !-nu mereu un nr-mare inseamna dezavantaj .

7-In ultima parte a vieti -Stefan cel Mare s-a preocupat pentru pace si economie .

8-O uriasa -personalitate in lumea-crestina !

9-Agricultura prospera in timpul Domniei-Sale .

10-Trupele sale erau platite bine si mereu dornice sa moara pentru Moldova .

marți, 30 martie 2021

Calul Troian !

 1-Personal cred ca a fost mai mult decat Calul-Troian !

2-Nu se poate pacali o Natiune asa inteligenta doar cu niste bucati de lemn !

3-Voi reveni pe viitor cu mai multe  detalii .

4-Acest articol este copiat !

5-Istoria ramane pasiune mea nr-1

“Beware Greeks bearing gifts.”
As night fell, Odysseus and Diomedes snuck into Troy through the hidden tunnel. The duo stank, and wore filthy rags, as in their disguise as beggars the city guards did not spare them a second glance. Although the citizens of Troy did not notice them, one familiar face did – Helen. Far from raising the alert, she was keen to help them to bring the war, and her captivity, to an end. She led them through the maze of streets to the centre, and the Temple of Athena. There they removed that precious Palladium, “the Luck of Troy” that had fallen from the heavens from Athena herself when the city was founded all those years ago.
Sneaking out of the temple, Helen urged them to take her with them back to the Greeks. They agreed, but before leaving she was recognised by a passing city guard, who was looking for her. They lambasted the beggars for speaking to her, and as the pair exchanged a knowing glance, they parted ways. Odysseus carried the Palladium as they returned across the plains of Ilium, and was suddenly aware how much more impressive it would be if he were to present it to Agamemnon alone. He drew his sword and moved to strike down Diomedes, who noticed just in time to dodge the blow. Odysseus said the power of the relic had overcome him, and a dubious Diomedes reluctantly accepted his apology as they headed back. Odysseus told the story of his attempted betrayal having been overcome by the artefact’s power when they returned, so Agamemnon had the Palladium installed to a Temple of Athena on Mt Ida.
The next day, Odysseus called a council of the kings to explain his new idea for infiltrating the city. Neoptolemus and Philoctetes poured scorn on his idea, by Agamemnon was captivated. They would build a huge horse, Odysseus said, capable of concealing 30 men inside, and trick the Trojans to bringing it into the city under the ruse that the Greeks had left. The horse would be built by Epeius, who had built the stockade, plus many temples and palaces back in Greece. Epeius was not a popular Greek, and although he was a successful sportsman, besting even Acamas, son of Theseus and inventor wrestling, he was never to be seen in the front lines of battle. Epeius explained that they would need a large screen to hide the construction, but that it could be done. The prophet Calchas supported the idea, saying he had seen a falcon chasing a dove, only to be frustrated when the dove entered a cleft in the rock. While the falcon had circled squawking, the dove had remained hidden – just like the Greeks after the Trojans. When the falcon too hid in the rock, the dove emerged, and it was captured. To complete Odysseus’ ruse, his bitter enemy Sinon was left behind while the rest of Greeks packed down their camp and sailed away under cover of nightfall.
When dawn broke, the Trojan sentries were stunned. The tents, stockade, ships and wagons that had become a part of their view over the last decade had all gone. All that remained was a large, wooden statue, which they squinted to see through the dawn. The news spread like wildfire, and the city filled with celebration. Keen to calm the jubilant populace, Priam led out the retinue to confirm the news, not daring to hope the decade-long bitter war was over. And there on the beach it stood – the Trojan Horse.
The huge horse was spectacular. Made of wood, yet layered in sheets of gold, with fantastic gemstones set into the eyes and elsewhere on the body. The mouth was open in a seeming pose of authority – the Trojans did not suspect that it was open to allow the vents to supply those inside with fresh air. Cassandra wailed that they should destroy it. Deiphobus said it was a gift for the gods. Priam summoned the priest of Apollo, Lacoón, to read the inscription, which did indeed say it was a gift for the safe return of the Greeks.
The Trojans had captured an abandoned Greek, Sinon, who explained that the Greeks had been struck with plague for stealing the Palladium, and were now desperate to return. Needing a sacrifice, Odysseus – who Sinon had discovered had betrayed Palamedes all those years earlier – suggested that Sinon be offered to the gods. He had thus promptly hid in the hills, following a fight to escape – evidenced by his broken nose. Sinon even laughed, saying the wily Odysseus had ensured they could not bring the horse into the city by making it too large to fit through the gates. Lacoón, with his sons Antiphantes and Thymbraeus, said he did not believe this, and the horse should be destroyed – though he began having a seizure while saying this, which Deiphobus said was the gods stilling his blasphemous tongue. Regaining his composure, Lacoón was so angry that his warnings went unheeded that he threw a spear at the horse, and then two huge sea serpents to suddenly erupt from the waves and devour him and his sons. Deiphobus said this was the proof that it was a gift for the gods, and all they needed to do to get it into Troy was remove the Scaean Gates and wheel it in.
Inside the belly of the beast, Odysseus and the others remained deadly quiet, conscious that a cough, a belch, a sneeze or a fart could see them all killed and their plan foiled. Slowly, ever so slowly, they felt the horse rolling forward, heard, the great Scaean Gates being removed, and then heard the celebration of the people of Troy as they gathered around the great horse that was wheeled into the city. Now all they needed to do was wait for nightfall, for the people to drown themselves into a drunken stupor so they could strike.
Aphrodite made one last attempt to save her beloved Greeks. Waking Helen, she ordered her to explain her concerns to Deiphobus, who had a novel way of testing if this were true. Helen was renowned at impersonating the voices of others, and so the couple went to the horse. Within, Odysseus thought the gods deceived him when he heard his wife Penelope calling out to him, though he remained quiet. The he heard Clytemnestra calling out for Agamemnon, and realised it was Helen attempting to unveil them. Then they heard Aegialia calling out for Diomedes. Then Laodamia called out to Anticlus. A drowsy and confused Anticlus went to respond, so Odysseus smothered his mouth. Various other voices called out, but the Greeks remained silent. Deiphobus soon got bored, and he and Helen left. By the time they had gone, Anticlus had stopped breathing.
The city was now deep in the drunken slumber the end of a war will bring. Slowly, ever so slowly, Epeius opened the door on the underneath of the horse, gently lowering himself down and edging the ladder into place. Echeon, son of Portheus, was too eager, and thrust himself through the opening before the ladder was in place, leading to a swift fall and sudden crunch when his neck broke as he hit the floor below. The rest took their time, slowly descending to the ground. Odysseus, Menelaus, Idomeneus, Diomedes, Neoptolemus and Ajax the Lesser led the surviving 28 Greeks now inside the city. They signalled from the gate tower, and quickly disassembled the makeshift replacement for the removed Scaean Gate. Sinon lit the beacon from where he now hid in the hills, having escaped from the Trojans. The ship of Agamemnon was the first the beach, with the rest of the fleet landing behind it. The Greek army surged forward to the open gates of Troy.

luni, 29 martie 2021


 1-Antonius isi strange trupele si alaturi de Cleopatra decide sa nu invadeze direct Italia .

2-Antonius alege Grecia pentru razboiul cu Octavian .

3-Nu se poate baza pe Lepudus -aceasta a fost exilat de Octavian .

4-Cand a plecat avea de la dispozitie peste 200 nave de razboi -peste 20 mii legionari .

5-Pana in Grecia pierde cateva nave si numai isi pastreaza o linie sigura de aprovizionare .

6-La startul luptei de la Actium avea doar 120 nave la dispozitie .

         1-Restul trupelor le-a lasat pe uscat .

         2-Trupele sale nu erau obijnuite cu lupta pe apa .

7-Sufera lovituri in linia de aprovizionare din partea lui Agrippa -Generalul de baza al lui Octavian .

8-O parte din generali lui prea lasi decid sa ii arate planul de lupta lui Octavian .

9-Antonius da lupta fortat de foamete 2-septembrie-31-BC!

10-Pierde clar lupta navala !din trupele sale doar 4-legiuni mai scapa odata in Egypt .

11-O parte din trupele sale -cele lase au fugit la Octavian .

12-Mai incearca o lupta in desert dar pierde clar si acolo .

13-Se sinucide in Alexandria-1-August-30-I-HR!

duminică, 28 martie 2021

Achilles vs Hector !

 1-Acest articol este copiat !

2-Istoria ramane pasiunea mea nr -1

“After I have killed you, I will cut out your eyes, ears and tongue, and as you wander the Underworld blind, deaf and dumb, some will ask ‘Who is that man?’, and others will reply ‘He is the fool who thought he had killed Achilles’.”
Achilles prowled the battlefield for Hector but instead found Aeneas, and came close to killing him until Poseidon spirited him away. Achilles was death personified as he stalked through the Trojan lines, slaying Iphition, Hippodamas, and Demoleon, son of Antenor. Polydorus, the youngest son of Priam, had been forbidden from fighting, but managed to escape the palace to the battlefield. He quailed at the sight of the magnificent and gore splattered Achilles, turning to flee only to be speared through the back.
Hector heard the dying screams of Polydorus and threw his spear for Achilles, only for Athena to blow it aside, while Apollo spirited away Hector before Achilles could respond. The Greek harbinger of death speared Dryops through neck, smashed the neck of Demuchus before cutting him to pieces, speared and chopped the brothers Laogonus and Dardanus, split the liver of Young Tros, son of Alistor, drove his spear through the head of Mulius, in one ear and out through the other, split open the head of Echelus, son of Agenor. His bloodlust remained unquenched, and also to fall by his blade were Thersilochus, Mydon, Astypylus, Mnesus, Thrasius, Aenius and Ophelestes, while Priam’s son Lyacon was drowned. As the river ran red, its spirit Scamander called Achilles to stop, but he merely scoffed and hurled more Trojan corpses into the waters. Scamander implored Apollo to get Achilles to stop, so Achilles now attacked the water, which promptly swept him away. Praying that he not suffer such an ignominious end, Hera had Hephaestus release a fire on the riverbank which boiled the water, causing Scamander to release his hold and allow Achilles to escape. Antenor’s son Agenor threw his spear at Achilles, now chasing the routed Trojans, but Apollo spirited him away before he too was slain by Achilles, who was now taunted by the sun god.
Finally Achilles was able to confront Hector as the Trojan army fled back into the city. Hector fled at the sight of him, and three times Achilles chased him around the city wall. Athena appeared to Hector as his brother Deiphobus, saying he would fight with him. Emboldened, Hector turned to face Achilles, only to find that he was now alone. Hector said that whoever wins should allow the body of the other to receive full funeral rights. Achilles responded that wolves do not make deals with sheep. Hector ducked beneath the throw of Achilles’ spear, and though his own throw was true, it could not punch through the solid gold centre of Achilles’ new shield. Unseen to Hector, Athena had returned to Achilles the spear which he had thrown. Hector charged in with his sword, though Achilles knew every crease and fold of his old armour which Hector now wore, having stripped it from the corpse of Patroclus. As Hector neared him he tilted his spear at the spot where the bronze and leather did not overlap at the throat, and impaled the Prince of Troy. As the horrified citizens of Troy looked down, Achilles took Hector’s belt – his gift from Ajax – and used it toe tie his ankles to his chariot, before dragging the corpse around the city.
Achilles built a huge funeral pyre for Patroclus, and outraged the gods and his fellow Greeks when he slit the throats of twelve captured Trojan prisoners. Each day he dragged the corpse of Hector around Troy three times, then returned to hold funeral games for Patroclus. After several days King Priam set off at night with treasure and his servant Idaeus to the Greek camp, though a kind soldier offered the take charge of the chariot and lead it. Arriving at the Myrmidon encampment, the soldier revealed himself as Hermes, and Priam was now free to approach Achilles. He begged at his feet for the return of his son’s body. Achilles was impressed by the king’s courage and readily agreed, revealing that no dog nor bord had touched Hector’s body the whole time, and his corpse was pristine. The two men wept together.
Although the Greeks had the impetus following the death of Hector, the Trojans were boosted by the arrival of the Amazons under Queen Penthesilea, daughter of Ares, younger sister of Hippolyta, who either married Thesesus or was killed by Hercules. Twelve princesses arrived with her, and they began carving through the Greek lines. The women of Troy wanted to join them, but Theono, priestess of Athena, urged them not to. Achilles and Ajax the Mighty were both morning at the grave of Patroclus when the Amazons arrived, but then sprang into the fight. The Amazon advance was halted when Achilles impaled Penthesilea with her own spear, only to then be dumbstruck with sorrow when he removed her helmet to see her beauty. Laughing at Achilles’ sudden sorrow, the Greek joker Thersites then found himself killed by an enraged Achilles. His cousin Diomedes was aghast, but Achilles agreed to sail to Lesbos to be purified.
Further reinforcements arrived with Memnon of Etheopia, son of Eos goddess of dawn, and Tithonus, who had been granted immortality but not eternal youth, so had aged and withered horribly until Eos took pity on him and turned him into a grasshopper. Memnon too wore armour forged by Hephaestus, and killed Nestor’s son Antilcohus. Nestor pleaded with Achilles for vengeance, and he fought the Ethiopian king all day until his youth and vigour prevailed, and he ran Memnon through with his blade. The Trojans were now pushed back to the walls, Achilles again charging amongst them and bringing death. Up on the walls, a still-mourning Paris saw the figure hacking down his fellow Trojans. He was a long was off, but Paris was a fine shot with the bow. He nocked an arrow, took a breath, drew back, prayed to Apollo that his shot would be true, and loosed his arrow into the battle.

sâmbătă, 27 martie 2021


 1-Antonius a lasat 5-legiuni in Galia pentru protejarea Romei dar si pentru interesele sale .

       1-Octavian incearca sa fure comanda acestor trupe dar nu poate si chiar se face de ras .

2-Nu primeste legiunile promise de Octavian initial in razboiul cu Parthia .

3-Antonius si-a tinut cuvantul si trimite o flota de nave pentru razboiul lui Octavian cu Sectus-Pompey.

4-Primeste intr-un final trupele promise de Octavian  dar le refuza !

       1-Un gest care nu l-am inteles .

5-La inceput pierde lupta dupa lupta in Parthia .

      1-Lupte nu foarte importante .

6-Reuseste sa cucereasca Armenia si cateva orase de la Granita cu Parthia .

7-La Roma-Antonius este denigrat non-stop .

8-Antonius stia ca razboiul e inevitabil si face un gest ciudat  si de neinteles .

          1-Donatiile din Alexandria .

          2-Il numeste pe Cezarian mostenitorul Romei .

         3-Doneaza Siria si multe bogatii lui Cleopatra .

9-In 32-I-HR-Senatul si Octavian declara razboi .

       1-Antonius era totusi generalul nr-1 dar numai avea suflet-Roman .

       2-Antonius un excelent razboinic pe uscat dar nu asa bun pe mare .

10-Razboiul era clar .

         1-Antonius/Cleopatra vs Senatul/Octavian/Agrippa .


joi, 25 martie 2021

Stefan cel Mare -Partea-3!

 1-Inca  din 1457 incepe o serie de tratative militare si economice cu Venetia,Roma,Statele-Papale!

        1-Si-a dat seama ca doar intr-o alianta puternica poate rezista !

        2-Avea nevoie de evolutie militara !

2-Pune baza unei aliante Anti-Otomane cu Uzun-Hasan-Sahul-Persiei .

3-Baza lui militara era Oastea formata din Popor .

4-Folosea cavaleria ca o forta usoara !

               1-Scopul ei era sa hartuiasca armata-dusmana .

5-Excela in diplomatie militara !

6-Luptele de gherila ,luptele scurte erau preferatele lui Stefan .

        1-Arnatele sale nu doreau lupte in camp-deschis .

        2-Stia de numarul mare al Otomanilor .

7-Formeaza o calitate de top in comert !

      1-Venituri enorme intrau in Moldova datorita Comertului .

      2-Stefan ofera o serie de legi foarte bune pentru comercianti .

8-Duce o serie de campanii militare in Transilvania !

      1-Dorea eliberarea comertului .

     2-Rivalitatea cu Matei-Corvin .

9-Si-a dat seama ca o Alinta cu Matei-Corvin inseamna multe dar de multe ori lupta era singura sansa intre cei 2.

10-Dorea expulzarea Turcilor din toate Tarile-Romane .

marți, 23 martie 2021


 1-Elita militara din Imperiul-Persan !

2-10 mii de soldati la datorie tot timpul !

3-Cand murea un soldat se spunea ca cineva ii lua locul imediat !

      1-Bineinteles ca nu era adevarat .

     2-Ei luptau asa bine inca tot timpul inamicul avea impresia ca sunt 10000.

4-Dusmanii de moarte ai Spartanilor .

5-Doar elita militara putea sa intre in randurile-nemuritorilor .

         1-Pregatire de top-fizica si mentala .

6-Herodot adica prima oara aminte de Nemuritorii in razboaiele Statelor-Grecesti vs Imperiul-Persan .

7-Clasa Bogata din Imperiul-Persan beneficia prima de aceasta elita .

8-Cand unul din Nemuritori murea dintr-o alta cauza decat lupta ,era imediat inmormantat si glorificat in mare taina .

     1-Mereu se spsunea despre cauza decesului ca este moartea in lupta .

9-Lupta terestra era preferata de acestia .

10-Au aparut in timpul Dinastiei-Aheminde.

           1-imi cer scuze daca am scris gresit Dinastia .

Razboiul Troian!

 1-Acest articol este copiat !

2-Istoria ramane pasiunea mea nr 1!

“For my sake, Achilles, and for the sake of the Queen of Heaven herself, who loves you and Agamemnon equally, put down your sword!”
The great Greek fleet did not immediately attack Troy, and instead made one last stab at diplomacy. An embassy of Menelaus, Odysseus and Palamedes went into the city and were given shelter by Antenor, expressing their terms for not just the return of Helen, but the emptying of the Trojan treasury to pay for all of the war expenditure. The Trojans were divided over whether to discuss terms or dismiss the group, so in the night Paris bribed the negotiator Antimachus to murder them in their sleep. Antenor’s spies heard the plot, and he apologised for the shame of his kin to the Greek embassy, sending the trio back to their ships. Word spread of Paris’ duplicity, further outraging the Greeks. The next day, the Greek fleet landed to make beachhead.
Agamemnon’s ship, with Hera as its masthead, surged forward, while Hector marched the Trojan alliance out across the Scamander to repel the Greeks. Achilles looked set to steal Agamemnon’s thunder, preparing to jump ashore as the king was still being fitted in armour, only for Calchas to stop him with a warning that the first man ashore would die. Achilles was undeterred, though his delay allowed Iolaus, leader of Phylacean, to leap onto the sand. The Greeks swarmed forward, and Iolaus cut down many Trojans, until he was confronted with hector. Unable to match the prince’s skill, he was slain on the beach. His brother Podarces took command of the Phylaceans, and Iolaus became known as Prothesilaus, “the first to step forward”.
With cries of defiance Cyncus, son of Poseidon, urged the Trojans forward, bellowing that no blade could piece his flesh. He hacked down Greeks, and his words seemed true as Teucer’s arrows bounded off him, while the spear of Ajax deflected off him. The charge of Cyncus looked to have won the battle, as Greeks began fleeing back to their ships as the Trojans surged forward. Achilles charged forward, bowling Cyncus down and strangling him to death with his own helmet straps. At the moment he died Cyncus turned into a swan and flew west, away from Troy. Achilles’ charge turned the battle, and Agamemnon allowed the defeated Trojans to flee into the city, ordering no pursuit.
The Greeks began setting up a defensive stockade, and placed their ships amongst the numerous coastal bays and inlets. Troy was prepared for siege, with secret tunnels granting access outside the city and to the sea, and water sources supplying the city. Its higher towers offered panoramic views of the surrounding land, and each home was stocked with grain, oil and wine. Troy was too big to encircle, and after the opening day’s battle its soldiers were too wise to come out for a decisive engagement. The Greeks and Trojans were perhaps the first to discover that when an expeditionary force meets a defending force of equal technology, the result is a stalemate. It seems strange that the Greeks seemed not to storm the city with rams and ladders, though the Trojans still had a large army of their own, capable of fielding outside of the walls to prevent such an attempt and drive on the stalemate. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, months into years. Nine years, in which no decisive encounters took place betwixt the foes.
Those years saw the war descend into attacks on the surrounding regional allies, much as Rome and Hannibal did during the Carthaginian occupation of Italia in the Second Punic War. Among the scheming saw Odysseus seize and opportunity to avenge himself on Palamedes, who had forced him into the war. A dead Trojan spy was found with a note bearing Priam’s stamp thanking Palamedes for his support, though Odysseus defended Palamedes and said it was a forgery, that a search of his tent would reveal no further evidence. Instead the search revealed a hoard of Trojan gold, and Palamedes was executed. His father King Nauplius of Euboea was convinced by other son Oeax that Palamedes had been the victim of a plot, though would have to wait for his vengeance.
With all the sons of Troy committed to the fight, the youngest prince, Troilus, was frustrated to be held back. Prophecy told that Troy could not fall if Troilus reached the age of twenty, and so the citizens were keen to protect him. Athena whispered of this prophecy to Achilles, who ambushed Troilus while he was out riding with his sister Polyxena. Seeking sanctuary in the Temple of Apollo, Achilles committed sacrilege when he decapitated Troilus and butchered his body. Achilles and his Myrmidons would sack some twenty towns during the nine years of stalemate, and his attacks on Mt Ida forced Aeneas into the city. Ajax attacked Phrygia and took captive the king’s daughter Tecmessa, while he and Achilles were almost ambushed by Trojans one day when they were so engrossed in a board game, and were only spared thanks to a warning from Athena.
During a raid of Lyrnessus, in Cilicia, Achilles killed the king and his sons, taking his daughter Briseis as his prize, and also capturing Chryseis, daughter of Chryses, priest of Apollo. Agamemnon was given the pick of the booty from each raid, and from this one he chose Chryseis. Achilles and Briseis became very close, with the Myrmidons suggesting they may marry when the war is over. When Chryses arrived to plead for the return of his daughter, Agamemnon laughed and dismissed him from the Greek camp. As he left, Chryses prayed to Apollo for vengeance upon the Greeks, and the god responded by sending plague arrows into their camp.
After ten days of plague, Achilles convened a meeting where Calchas explained that the plague was the vengeance of Apollo for taking Chryseis. Agamemnon was most aggrieved, even more so as Achilles had offered his protection to Calchas so the prophet could explain the matter without fear of reprisal. The scheming Agamemnon agreed to return Chryseis, on concession that he could select her replacement from among the captives, which they all agreed. He triumphantly declared that he would take Briseis, and Achilles looked like he may have slain the king were it not for the guidance of Athena to lower his blade. A gloating Agamemnon took captive of Briseis, while Achilles vowed to never fight for the Greeks again. As she left the Myrmidon encampment, Achilles told Briseis to pray to Zeus to see the Greeks humbled, to see them crushed in battle with their backs to the ships, crying out for his support. After nine years of stalemate, the Trojan War was about to explode into a spectacular climax.

duminică, 21 martie 2021


 1-Pierde la Mutina dar a reusit sa isi salveze trupele !

2-Se retrage in Galia-Transalpina unde isi pune o baza militara stabila si puternica .

3-Senatul dorea distrugerea sa si dorea distrugerea sa .

      1-Senatul era cam de partea lui Brutus si Cassius.

4-Antonius se aliaza cu Octavian iar cu Lepudus formeaza al-2-Triumvirat .

5-Antonius era cel mai puternic ca om Politic .

6-In 42-I-HR impreuna cu Octavian pleaca in cautarea  celor care l-au asasinat pe Cezar !

         1-Brutus,Cassius -etc.

7-In 42-I-HR castiga la Philipi ca principalul-General .

8-Dupa Philipi este atras de Cleopatra in Egypt .

9-In 41-I-HR se intalnesc la Tarsus-Turcia-actuala .

10-Ducea o viata de vis alaturi de Cleopatra .

vineri, 19 martie 2021

Stefan cel Mare -Partea-2!

 1-Incepe o reforma militara totala .

            1-Oastea mare 

            2-Oastea mica- care intra prima in lupta .

2-Consolideaza apararea-Moldovei .

               1-Hotin.            4-Soroca.                  7-Suceava .

               2-Tighina .        5-Chitila.

               3-Neamt.           6-Cetatea-Alba 

3-Avea o relatie de top cu Vlad Tepes.      

           1-Militara si Economica .

           2-Aici fac o paranteza !nici vorba de vreo dusmanie intre cei doi .

4-Pune baza unor relatii de aliante cu Tarile-Crestine !

         1-Ofera sprijin in orice campanie militara-anti-otomana .

        2-Dorea respect pentru Moldova !respect pe care l-a castigat din prima clipa .

5-Aduce cei mai buni instructori militari iar loialitatea trupelor l-a mentinut atata timp pe tron .

6-Aduna cei mai buni boieri in consiliu sau si mai ales pe care se putea baza .

7-In posturile cheie din armata si societatea numea persoanele care meritau .

        1-Aici trebuie citit .

8-Detinea o diplomatie extraordinara .

9-Toate statele-vecine au observat si multe doreau sa fie alitate cu Moldova .

        1-Dar si cateva state care doreau sa cucereasca -Moldova .

10-Era inconjurat de 4-Forte.

         1-Imperiul-Otoman .

         2-Polonia .

        3-Ungaria .



miercuri, 17 martie 2021


 1-Octavian incerca sa ii ocupe locul lui Antonius dar nu avea nici o sansa .

2-Antonius pune ordine in legiunile din Galia si dupa scurt timp se alatura din nou lui Cezar .

3-Se intoarce in 45-I-HR la Roma .

4-Antonius continua sa exceleze si organizeaza Senatul pentru Cezar sau o mare parte .

5-Antonius dupa moartea lui Cezar in 44-I-HR pleaca din Roma in Galia .

6-Se intoarce si preia puterea .

        1-Il onoreaza pe Cezar printr-o inmormantare fabuloasa.

        2-Legiunile de top se alatura lui Antonius .

7-Antonius citeste Testamentul lui Cezar .

     1-Octavian este numit mostenitor .

     2-Antonius totusi este vazut ca urmatorul in linie pentru Putere.

8-II obliga pe Brutus si Cassius sa plece din Roma .

9-Imediat il atrage pe Lepudus langa el plus legiunile acestuia .

      1-Lepudus a fost alaturi de Cezar in toate razboaiele .

10-In 43-I-HR pleaca in Galia .

         1-Alaturi de 6 legiuni !

          2-Dorea Galia lui Decimus .



luni, 15 martie 2021


 1-Acest articol este copiat !

2-Istoria ramane pasiunea mea nr-1.

El Corvus
En el año 264 a.C. dos grandes potencias se observan desde un lado y otro del mediterráneo occidental. Articulada por campesinos-soldados una y por comerciantes la otra, no hay muchas razones para que choquen. Roma no se dedica al comercio y Cartago no pretende una expansión imperial. Pero en medio de los dos está Sicilia.
La isla de Sicilia, constelada de ciudades griegas independientes, esta bajo el control comercial y político de Cartago. Para Roma, que ya controla casi toda la bota, no es, en principio un objetivo. El imperialismo romano como se conocerá en siglos posteriores aún no ha nacido.
Hasta que se suscita la cuestión mamertina. En lo que concuerdan todas las fuentes es que los mamertinos no parecían ser precisamente angelitos. Expulsados de Italia continental se instalan en Messina, desde donde parece que se dedicaron a saquear el territorio circundante. El caso es que las ciudades sicilianas pidieron ayuda a Siracusa y a Cartago. Los mamertinos pidieron ayuda a Roma. En principio Roma no estaba interesada en Sicilia, pero parece que surgió un "lobby" poderoso, y al final las legiones marcharon al sur.
Ha estallado la primera guerra púnica.
La guerra se desarrolló muy favorablemente a los romanos por tierra, ya que su infantería era incomparable en el campo de batalla. Igualmente la guerra se desarrolló muy favorablemente a Cartago en el mar, ya que su marina era la mejor del mediterráneo occidental y tal vez del oriental.
Controlada casi toda la isla los romanos necesitaban ahora una forma de llevar la guerra hasta el enemigo, que desde el mar asola constantemente las costas italianas y sicilianas y amenaza las vías de comunicación de las legiones en Sicilia. Roma nunca ha sido hasta entonces una potencia marítima pero la necesidad hace ley, y siguiendo el modelo de una quinquerreme púnica capturada los romanos inician la construcción de su propia flota.
Una vez construída y dotada esta se inician las primeras operaciones navales. Con muy mal resultado. En las islas Lípari la flota romana es sangrada por los cartagineses, mucho más dotados para la guerra naval. Hay que cambiar el enfoque, y los romanos crean el "corvus".
El "corvus" es un accesorio que consiste en un mástil clavado en vertical en la parte de proa de la quinquerreme. Cerca de su base se le une una pasarela de madera, de al menos un buen metro de ancho y cinco o seis de largo (el tamaño fue bastante variable). Esta pasarela va atada a lo alto del mástil, de tal modo que soltandola de lo alto cae la pasarela, llegando a la horizontal pero sin separarse de la base del mástil. Queda un último detalle. Bajo la pasarela en el extremo más alto cuando está en posición vertical se ha enganchado una gran pieza metálica, como el pico de un cuervo (de ahí su nombre), que al soltarse la pasarela se clava en el barco que está al lado, uniendo el barco propio con el contrario fijamente por medio de la pasarela ¡Eureka!
Para entender la utilidad del "corvus" hay que conocer cómo era el combate naval en aquella época. Lo primordial era hundir los barcos contrarios, y esto se hacía por medio del espolón que se colocaba a proa. A fuerza de remo las naves trataban de clavarse el espolón o destrozar con él los remos del contrario para inmobilizarlo. A lo sumo había diez o doce guerreros (infantes de marina) y un par de arqueros a bordo de cada nave de guerra (sin contar remeros y mandos por supuesto).
Ahora imaginemos que un capitán púnico con suerte conseguía clavar su espolón en una nave romana. Una vez hecho esto se daba orden de cíar, para que al sacar el espolón del casco enemigo el agua entrara por la brecha y el barco se hundiera. Imaginemos ahora que los romanos sueltan el "corvus", que se clava en el barco púnico, uniendo ambas naves con la pasarela, sólidamente fijada en un extremo por el pico y por otro por la base unida al mástil. Y que por esa pasarela empiezan a cruzar los soldados romanos, cubiertos tras sus grandes "scutum". Imaginemos la cara del "suertudo" capitán púnico cuando comprueba apesadumbrado que en las quinquerremes romanas no van diez o doce soldados, sino medio centenar, y que por medio de ellos su barco pasa rápidamente a pertener al "Senatus Populus Que Romanus" (el Senado y el Pueblo de Roma).