joi, 30 iunie 2022

Batalia de la Carrahae!Partea-2!

 1-Cei din Parthia au strans 2 armate !

2-Generalul Serrena a condus prima armata !

    1-Regele Orus a condus a-2 armata 

3-Serrena un excelent General al Parthiei .

4-Parthia s-a bazat pe cavalerie .

5-Crassus a fortat legiunile in marsuri lungi prin Desert .

6-Crassus si legiunile sale erau in plin Desert .

7-Serena si fortele sale l-au asteptat pe Crassus .

8-Crassus si-a aranjat fortele in forma patrata .

   1-Asa s-a putut  apara de sagetile dusmane .

9-Legiunile-Romane au fost atacate tot timpul  !

   1-Cavaleria din Parthia era aprovizionata tot timpul de fortele-Regelui !

10-Publius-Crassus ucis de fortele lui Serena .

11-Crassus si legiunile sale socate de uciderea lui Publius-fiul sau .

12-Capul lui Publius-Crassus aratat in fata legiunilor lui Crassus .

13-Crassus a fost prins de fortele lui Serena  !

   1-Lui Crassus ii este pus aur-topit in gura !

   2-A avut parte de o moarte oribila .

miercuri, 29 iunie 2022

Batalia de la Carrahae!Partea-1!

 1-53-I-HR !

2-In 56-I-HR Cezar le-a promis lui Pompey si Crassus cate o legiune pentru castigarea alegerilor si pentru pacea din Roma .

3-Legiunea era condusa de Publius-Crassus-fiul lui Crassus .

  1-Publius-Crassus l-a servit pe Cezar in Galia .

4-Crassus Pro-Consul in Siria .

  1-5 ani-mandat .

5-Crassus a ajuns in Siria-54-I-HR !

6-Strange 7 legiuni datorita baniilor pe care ii avea !

  1-35000 legionari .

7-Crassus mai capata forte de la aliati sai .

     1-4000 soldati din Grecia .

     2-6000 calareti din Armenia 

    3-In total Crassus avea 45000 soldati 

8-Regele din Armenia-Tyranus i-a propus lui Crassus o alianta .

   1-10000 trupe daca Parthia urma sa fie invadata prin Armenia .

   2-Crassus a refuzat !

9-Crassus fara mila la inceptul razboiului cu Parthia 

10-Crassus s-a intors in Siria pentru iarna .

    1-Crassus il avea pe Publius-Crassus de la Cezar !

   2-Publius-Crassus avea 1000 calareti-galici ..

duminică, 26 iunie 2022

Scutul Legionarului-Roman !Partea 1!

 1-Aparatorul legionarului !

    1-Fier,Bronz,Cupru!Principalele materiale 

2-Perioada din Monarhie !

    1-Influenta Greceasca in Italia .

3-Clipus-scutul rotund-grecesc !

4-Primele forte Romane au folosit acest scut .

5-Perioada-Republicana .

    1-Influenta Samnita .

   2-3-razboaie cu Roma .

   3-Pilum sulita tot de la Sumniti .

6-A aparut si scutul inalt !

7-Acest scut era total diferit !

     1-Inaltimea 120 cm .

    2-75 cm latime .

   3-10 kg greutate .

8-Scutul din perioada-Imperiala  !

   1-Scut  mai lung si lat !

   2-O imbunatatire a scutului din Perioada-Republicana .

   3-106 cm-inaltime .

   4-Intre 5-10 kg-greutate .

9-In cursul Secolului 2-D-HR-Scutul-Oval a revenit in randul trupelor-romane .

    1-O varietate de scuturi in randul trupelor-romane .

    2-Scutul triunghiular domina in cavalerie .

10-Perioada Imperiala-Tarzie .

    1-Scutul din lemn-masiv predomina .

    2-Acest scut nu a ajutat mai deloc trupele-romane .

vineri, 24 iunie 2022

Marcus Antonius-Ridicarea spre putere in Roma-Antica !Partea-3!

 1-Cezar si Antonius au incercat o alianta cu Dolobela !

2-Cezar i-a propus lui Dolobela functia de Consul .

3-Antonius s-a opus la aceasta decizie a lui Cezar !

   1-Antonius dorea ca Dolobela sa fie intr-o functie in care sa il dirijeze cum vroia primul .

4-Cezar a facut pace cu Dolobela pentru Roma .

5-Antonius dorea ca fratele sau Gaius-Antonius intr-o functie buna din Galia-Transalpina .

6-Marcus Antonius avea sprijin total din legiunile din afara Romei  !

    1-4 legiuni erau la portile-Romei .

   2-Cezar si-a dat seama de acest lucru .

7-Cezar pentru o perioada il scoate pe Antonius din anturajul sau .

8-Lepudus devenea nr-2 dupa Cezar pentru moment .

9-Antonius nu putea sa dispara din anturajul lui Cezar pentru totdeauna .

10-Cezar stia de loialitatea lui Marcus Antonius .

joi, 23 iunie 2022


 1-Acest articol este copiat !

2-Istoria ramane pasiunea mea nr-1!

Recently I started a debate over who was the best Roman general. I proposed Scipio Africanus as the best and many proposed others, particularly Julius Caesar. I think that those who support Caesar certainly have plenty of evidence to back up their choice. I will readily concede that he is the second-best Roman general. I feel these two generals are clearly the top two. Rome had other great generals, but none can equal Scipio and Caesar. Here is a list of facts supporting my belief that Scipio is #1.
1. Scipio early on proved his bravery, so his armies in the future knew they were being led by a brave man. At age 17, at the Battle of Ticinus (the first of Hannibal’s battles in Italy), he defied his father’s orders to stay out of danger. When his father, who was the Roman general, was unhorsed, wounded, and surrounded by Numidian cavalry, Scipio left his bodyguard to ride to the rescue. The body guard quickly joined him and they cut a path for the elder Scipio to escape.
2. Scipio probably fought at Trebia and Lake Trasimene. By the Battle of Cannae, he would have been a seasoned soldier. In that disastrous battle, he was part of the minority who cut their way to refuge. Scipio was one of the senior officers among the 10,000 or so survivors. When he heard that some of the upper-class officers were talking about escaping from Italy, he showed up at their tent carrying a sword and threatened death to anyone who abandoned Rome. He had started his career as a leader.
3. After his father and uncle were killed in battles in Spain, the 24-year-old Scipio stepped forward when no Roman would take the job of restoring Rome’s position in Spain. Although under the official minimum age, Scipio’s volunteering roused the crowd and he was elected proconsul unanimously.
4. Scipio found a small Roman army in Spain that was licking its wounds from the recent setbacks. He quickly restored morale and trained the men. He armed them with what would become the iconic Roman weapon – the gladius.
5. Scipio was a grand strategist. He knew that victory in Spain would impact the war in Italy. Hannibal would be deprived of recruits, reinforcements, and supplies. Spain was an incredibly wealthy part of the Carthaginian empire. Scipio would shift that wealth to Rome. His first move was to capture the most important Carthaginian city – New Carthage. He faced three Carthaginian armies, each strong enough to face him. It would be disastrous if they combined to relieve New Carthage, but Scipio felt he could take it quicky. His march to the city was unprecedently fast. When he arrived, he defeated a sortie by citizens from the city. He then laid the siege of what appeared an impregnable city that was fortified with a high wall and surrounded by water on most sides. This included a lagoon to the north. Scipio learned from locals that the lagoon became shallower as the tide ebbed in the late afternoon. He proclaimed to his soldiers that Neptune had told him he would help him. Scipio (who was probably skeptical about the gods) wisely reminded his men that he was a favorite of the gods throughout his career. A 500 man unit waded across the lagoon and mounted the unguarded walls, opened the gates, and the city was sacked.
6. Scipio was noted for his humanity in his treating of prisoners and hostage. However, he did purposely allow his men to slaughter the inhabitants of New Carthage as an example for others. (I won’t justify this, but I will point out it was a commonly understood fate for cities that fell after a siege.) However, when Scipio snapped his fingers, the legionaries stopped the killing. (Ask Wellington how easy it is to do this.) He then released many hostages that had been held by the Carthaginians to keep their Spanish allies in check. His treatment of the Spanish caused many to shift allegiance to him. It quickly became apparent that Roman rule would be better than Carthaginian. He famously turned down a beautiful hostage and then restored her to fiancé. That tribe was now loyal to Rome.
7. There were still those three armies out there. Scipio could not risk facing all three united. He took the offensive rather than wait for them to unite and come to him. In the Battle of Baecula, he pulled off a complex double flanking attack to defeat Hannibal’s brother Hasdrubal. He was criticized for allowing Hasdrubal’s broken army to flee to try to join Hannibal in Italy. However, it could be argued Scipio was smart not to pursue a more mobile army through dangerous terrain when he still had a job to do in Italy.
8. In 206 B.C., at the Battle of Ilipa, he faced the other two armies. Each day he marched out of camp and assumed the standard Roman formation with the legionary units in the center and the unreliable Spanish allies on the wings. The Carthaginians would come out in a similar formation with their best soldiers in the center. After several days of no action, Scipio prepared his men for battle and came out early to threaten the Carthaginian camp. When their general noticed that the Romans now had the Spanish in the middle and the legionaries on the flanks, it was too late to alter his own formation. Scipio had his Spanish center advance slowly to keep the enemy center in place and proceeded to carve up the Carthaginian wings with his legionaries. Rome now owned Spain.
9. With Spain finished, Scipio now turned to his indirect target, Hannibal. His strategy was to force him to leave Italy. Scipio proposed leading an invasion of North Africa to threaten Carthage. The government was skeptical and he had powerful opponents envious of his success. Fabius the Delayer was one of them. Scipio was given the green light, but not the resources. He would have to make due with an army he could raise on Sicily. This included the exiled survivors of Cannae. He rehabilitated those men and gave them a chance at redemption. They gratefully took it. In 204, he invaded with a small army.
10. Before the Carthaginians would recall Hannibal, they had to be made to howl. Scipio went scorched earth on them. They responded with a Carthaginian/Numidian army. The two armies encamped near Scipio’s. In the ensuing negotiating, Scipio boldly allowed the enemy envoys to tour his camp and he sent officers disguised as slaves to accompany his envoys to the enemy camps to scope them out. One night he had his men sneak out of camp and set fire to the sleeping Numidian camp. The Carthaginians, thinking the fire was an accident, rushed to the aid of their allies and were ambushed by waiting Romans. The resulting slaughter was incredible. Unethical? Maybe. Effective? Yes.
11. Another defeat had the Carthaginian government begging Hannibal to return. He reluctantly did, bitter over the lack of support from that same government over the years. He created an army that was bigger than Scipio’s. But although built around the best soldiers in the world, his veterans from Italy, the army was cobbled together. He planned to rely on his 80 elephants to break up the Roman formation and he had his crack Numidian cavalry that had been decisive in several of his victories. But Scipio was aware of that advantage so he had his own Numidians this time. He had lured the great cavalryman Masinissa, who had faced him in Spain, to join his army with his men.
12. The Battle of Zama was a face-off between two of the Great Captains. Scipio dealt with the elephant attack by having his maniples stacked to provide lanes for them to run through. Roman trumpeters caused some of the elephants to panic. Some turned and crashed into Hannibal’s cavalry. The Roman saw the opportunity to attack and drove both wings of cavalry off the battlefield. In the ensuing battle of the infantry, Scipio’s well-trained and hardened legionaries broke Hannibal’s first two lines. They were going toe-to-toe with Hannibal’s veterans when Scipio’s cavalry returned to hit Hannibal from behind. This finished the battle and ended the Second Punic War.
13. Scipio ended the war undefeated. He had defeated one of the greatest (I would argue the greatest) generals in history. He improved the Roman army so it was ready to conquer an empire. He got this started with his conquest of Spain. He was strong both tactically and strategically. He was a master in learning from his opponents and adopting their tactics.

Batalia de la Lacul-Trasimeno

 1-Acest articol este copiat !

2-Istoria ramane pasiunea mea nr-1!

21 iunie 217 „BC. ’ - Bătălia de la Lacul Trasimeno
Al doilea război de pedeapsă sau război al înfrângerilor repetate pentru Republica Romană.
Armele Romei pierduseră deja împotriva lui Annibal, în anul 218, o ciocnire la Ticino, o bătălie amplă la Trebbia și controlul asupra avionului Po.
Consulii pentru 217 sunt aleși Gneo Servilio Gemino și, alături de el, adversar al Scipionilor, acel Caio Flaminio Nepote care visa să rezolve situația dramatică a războiului împotriva Annibal.
Planul celor doi consuli de a-l învinge pe cartageian este următorul: controlează ambele părți ale Italiei, astfel încât să-l poți cuprinde pe Annibal de oriunde coboară și, prin urmare, odată localizat, unește cele două armate consulare și împreună!
Deci legiunile conduse de tabăra Servilio din Rimini și celelalte, cele ale lui Flaminio, în Arezzo. Două Piazzeforturi legate de drumul roman ce traversează Valmarecchia actuală.
Annibal coboară Apenin spre Etruria, continuă prin mlaștinile din Arno, pe care fascismul a fost ultimul care a rectificat-o, își pierde vederea într-un ochi în călătorie, alunecă sub Arezzo în vecinătatea lacului Trasimeno, atrage armata într-o pădure de Flaminio și îl distruge.
Bătălia de la Lacul Trasimeno se încheie cu moartea Consolei Romane sub sulița unui războinic insubri, capul Consolei sfârșindu-se în bisach-ul învingătorului. Va fi și pierderea ulterioară a cavaleriei celeilalte Console, cea a lui Servilio, care a fost interceptată de forțe punice în timp ce încerca să se conecteze cu oamenii lui Flaminio.
Să ne amintim că Annibal a fost un maestru al trucurilor.
Romanii din Media Republica, pe de altă parte, considerau inteligența unui Ulise ca fiind o devalorizare.
O anecdotă: după ceva timp de la aceste evenimente, Annibal se va găsi închis în tabăra agro blocată în interiorul acelei zone. Vânat de romani, pentru a scăpa de o moarte sigură, va reuși să iasă din acea situație, pentru el, infamă cu celebra șmecherie a boilor: noaptea le-a legat farmecele aprinse de coarne, făcându-i pe legiunile romane să creadă că ia greul direcție.
Derutați de ceea ce se întâmplă, generalii romani nu știau cum să reacționeze clar: Annibal va forța ritmul, ducând prada cu el, pe plaiurile celor mai fertile și bogate din Italia.
Roma a câștigat cel de-al doilea război de pedeapsă datorită structurilor sale politice înainte de a o face cu armele sale:
Să ne amintim că Annibal nu a pierdut nicio bătălie pe pământ italian în mai bine de zece ani: așa cum spun experții, a făcut legiunile Romei să danseze samba.
Roma, deja la acea vreme, nu mai era o mizerabilă (politic) poliție greacă, ci crease o structură politică „deasupra orașului” care cuprindea toată Italia tirhnică și nu numai.
Orice altă politică simplă, după acele înfrângeri amare și după bătălia de la Canne, s-ar fi predat inamicului: dar nu Roma.
Filip al V-lea, regele Macedoniei și aliatul lui Annibal a spus, adresându-se unui oraș grec:
Dacă vrei să fii puternic, fă ca romanii. Ei sunt cei care, atunci când eliberează sclavii sau anunță noi teritorii, măresc cetățenia, sunt plini de soldați, de cetățeni. (Ceva ce atenienii antici nu au înțeles niciodată, de exemplu).
Anibal: Am învins armata romană de mai multe ori dar e ca Hydra. Decapitezi un cap, încă două pop.
Dacă pentru greaca antică este polis, pentru Roman este civitas.

Marcus Antonius-Ridicarea spre putere in Roma-Antica !Partea-2!

 1-Marcus Antonius s-a inconjurat de trupe si peste tot in oras purta uniforma militara !

2-Antonius incepea sa bage frica in Senat prin o duritate excesiva .

3-Dictatura lui Cezar se asemana cu dictatura lui Sulla .

4-Dolobela a inceput sa profite de aceasta situatie si capata sprijin din partea poporului din oras sau cel putin o parte .

5-Marcus Antonius s-a casatorit cu Fluvia pentru mai mult sprijin politic .

6-Dolobela ales ca tribun al poporului .

7-Marcus Antonius a avut o relatie tensionata cu majoritatea-Senatului .

8-Marcus Antonius inseamna dictatorul interimar pana cand Cezar s-a intors in Roma .

9-Casatoria cu Fluvia inseamna o parghie uriasa catre putere pentru Antonius.

   1-Fluvia facea parte din Ramura Gaius-Marius-Cezar .

10-Antonius l-a acuzat pe Dolobela ca fiind cel care a finantat gastile din oras care deranjau comertul  !

luni, 20 iunie 2022

Marcus Antonius-Ridicarea spre putere in Roma-Antica !Partea-1!

 1-Dupa lupta de la Pharsalus -Senatul i-a cantat in strauna lui Antonius sperand ca il poate convinge pe Cezar sa opreasca razboiul civil atat de sangeros .

2-Cezar l-a trimis la Roma pe Antoniusa sa spuna ca Pompey a fost asasinat in Egipt.

3-Senatul a prelungit mandatul de Dictator la 10 ani prt Cezar !

   1-5 ani prt Consulat-Marcus Antonius .

4-Antonius a condus Roma cat timp Cezar s-a aflat in Africa .

5-Antonius a locuit cu trupele sale in afara Romei .

   1-Legiunile ii erau loiale fara nici o indoiala .

6-Cezar a pus ordine in Africa dar Antonius nu era inca omul politic care sa guverneze Roma fara forta legiunilor .

7-Antonius a intrat cu 1 legiune in Roma pentru a pune ordine si a stopa lupta gastilor care deranjau cometul .

8-Marcus Antonius s-a aliat cu Dolobela !

   1-Un foarte puternic Senator  !

9-Cezar nu a sprijinit aceasta alianta  !

10-Antonius l-a ascultat pe Cezar si a decis sa il infrunte pe Dolabela .

sâmbătă, 18 iunie 2022

Piro a bagat frica in Roma si legiunile sale !Partea-3!

 1-Piro stia ca Roma isi va reveni foarte repede !

   1-Roma avea o uriasa forta militara si umana !

2-Piro pleaca din Italia !

3-Incearca o pace cu Macedonnia !

   1-Dorea sa stranga o noua armata impotriva Romei cu soldati din zona respectiva .

4-Piro a atacat Sparta in 272-I-HR !

5-Piro vazut ca Generalul care putea sa castige un razboi de scurta durata in fata Romei dar nici o sansa pe lunga-durata !

6-Personal l-am asemanat mult cu Spartacus la inteligenta .

7-Piro a murit in Argos 


1-Piro vs Roma .

2-Roma !


1-Propria-Istorie .

joi, 16 iunie 2022

Piro a bagat frica in Roma si legiunile sale !Partea-2!

 1-Piro a stiut exact cum sa lupte impotriva disciplinatelor trupe-romane .

2-Roma nu stia de la inceput cum sa lupte impotriva Falangei lui Piro .

3-Piro si-a asigurat sursa de hrana din Italia !

4-Piro un genial general de asediu .

5-Piro a pus in lupta elefanti de razboi .

6-Legiunile-Romane au vazut pentru prima oara Elefanti de Razboi .

7-Legiunile Romane au fugit din fata Elefantilor de razboi .

8-Peste 15000 trupe-romane au murit in prima lupta cu Piro .

9-Piro pierde peste 11000 soldati .

10-Piro si-a revenit cu greu peste aceste trupe pierdute 


1-Piro vs Roma .

2-Roma !


1-Propria-Istorie .

miercuri, 15 iunie 2022


 1-Acest articol este copiat !

2-Istoria ramane pasiunea mea nr-1.

Alexander's biographer Plutarch of Chaeronea states that Alexander the Great founded no less than seventy towns, which were important centers of the Greek cultures in the East. By these foundations, the sage of Chaeronea implies, the Macedonian conqueror changed the nature of his oriental subjects from barbarians into civilized people.

List of cities founded by Alexander the Great:

Alexander the Great founded, substantially re-established, or renamed numerous towns and cities.

Below are some of these cities (with present-day locations):

Modern Bulgaria

·         Alexandropolis Maedica

Modern Turkey

·         Alexandria Troas, modern Dalyan

·         Alexandria by the Latmus, possibly Alinda

·         Alexandria near Issus; İskenderun preserves the name, but probably not the exact site.

·         Smyrna. According to the legend, after Alexander hunted on the Mount Pagus, he slept under a plane tree at the sanctuary of Nemesis. While he was sleeping, the goddess appeared and told him to found a city there and move into it the Smyrnaeans from the "old" city. The Smyrnaeans sent ambassadors to the oracle at Clarus to ask about this, and after the response from the oracle they decided to move to the "new" Smyrna

Modern Syria

·         Nikephorion, present day Raqqa. Isidore of Charax, in the Parthian Stations, wrote that it was a Greek city founded by Alexander the Great.

Modern Jordan

·         Jerash, some sources claim that the city was founded by Alexander or soldiers of Alexander.

·         Other cities in the region also claimed Alexander as their founder.

Modern Egypt

·         Alexandria

Modern Iraq

·         Iskandariya, Iraq.

·         Alexandria in Susiana, later Charax Spasinu

·         Alexandria of Mygdonia, probably in the area of Erbil

Modern Iran

·         Alexandria Asiana, possibly Eskandari-ye Baraftab and Nesar-e Eskandari

·         Alexandria Carmania, near Soghan Rural District

·         Alexandria Susia or Alexandropolis, modern Mashhad

Modern Tajikistan

·         Alexandria Eschate, at or close to modern Khujand

Modern Uzbekistan

·         Six cities north of the Oxus, one of which may be Termez

Modern Turkmenistan

·         Alexandria in Margiana, formerly Merv

Modern Afghanistan

·         Alexandria Ariana, now Herat

·         Alexandria Prophthasia, perhaps Farah, Afghanistan

·         Alexandria Arachosia, now Kandahar

·         Alexandria in the Caucasus, now Bagram

·         Alexandria on the Oxus or Alexandria Oxiana, probably Ai-Khanoum

·         Alexandria in Opiania, Ghazni

·         Nikaia or Nicaea, at or near Jalalabad

Modern Pakistan

·         Arigaeum, modern Nawagai, Bajaur

·         Nicaea, somewhere in modern Punjab

·         Alexandria Bucephalous (Bucephala), somewhere in modern Punjab. Maybe Phalia or Gujrat, Pakistan or Jalalpur Sharif.

·         Alexandria on the Indus, possibly Uch, and another town on the Indus.

·         Patala, unknown, possibly near Hyderabad, Sindh

·         Xylinepolis, unknown, possibly near Hyderabad, Sindh

·         Alexandria in Orietai near Rhambacia, possibly Bela, Pakistan.

·         Alexandria, possibly near modern Multan.

·         Alexandria, founded beside the old Indian town of Patala at the mouth of the Indus river at Regio Patalis.

Modern India

·         Alexandria on the Hyphasis; In Punjab, India on the western bank of the Beas (Hyphasis) river.