joi, 26 mai 2022

Cynane Macedonian

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Cynane a Macedonian Warrior Princess 357 BC to 323 BC, and half sister to Alexander the Great, was the daughter of King Phillip ll of Macedon, and Illyrian Princess Audata. Following the Illyrian tradition of women Audata raised her daughter Cynane in martial arts and many more warrior techniques, and the belief she was equal to any man. Cynane lived this belief and instilled this belief to her daughter Adea. After Alexander's death Cynane arranged the marriage of her daughter to marry Alexander's successor in order to place her in power and safety. Her daughter would rule with Phillip lll under the name Queen Eurydice ll, and carry out her mother's legacy as a independent and powerful woman. When Phillip ll deafeated the Illyrian King Bardylis in 358 BC he took Audata (Cynane's mother) the kings oldest daughter as a war trophy and means of keeping the peace. She brought Cynane up to hunt, track, and ride and fight better than most men. Cynane known for these values became famous for courage in battles. Throughout antiquity the Illyrians, one of Macedonia's greatest enemies and ferocious warriors situated to the north and west of Macedonia. Cynane accompanied the Macedonian army were she proved first hand her military skills. Polyaenus 450 years later recalls a famous story about Cynane, she commanded armies and in the field charged ahead of them. In a battle with the Illyrians in 344 BC she slayed the Illyrian Queen Caeria with her hands with a fatal blow to the throat. Cynane was one year older tha Alexander the Great, she died the same year he did in 323 BC. Her end came when Cynane saw her old friend Alcetas standing in front of his army, Cynane began a talk with him, according to accounts he had enough of her, and in front of everyone, acting on orders of Perdiccus, pulled out his sword and slayed her, she fell to the ground lifeless. The soldiers were enraged, how could Alcetas do such a thing to this famous warrior who was directly related to someone they thought was with the gods now. The soldiers forced Alcetas a famous general himself to carry out Cynane's wishes that her daughter Adea would marry Phillip Arrhidaeus lll in Babylon, and Adea would be their new Queen Adea Eurydice ll




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