joi, 1 septembrie 2022


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2-Istoria ramane pasiunea mea nr-1!

The Pythia ( Greek : Πυθία, transl. Pythía ) or Pythia ( serpent ) was the priestess of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi , Ancient Greece , situated on the slopes of Mount Parnassus . The Pythia was widely renowned for her prophecies , inspired by Apollo, which gave her an unusual importance for a woman in the male-dominated world of Ancient Greece. The Delphic oracle was founded in the 8th century BC, and their last recorded response came in AD 393 , when the Roman Emperor Theodosius ordered pagan temples to cease operations. Until then the oracle of Delphi was considered one of the most prestigious and reliable oracles in the Greek world.
Over the centuries, the Pythias proved to be extremely reliable in their predictions and gained fame as oracles not only in the Greek world, but also among all the peoples of the Mediterranean world, including Romans and Egyptians, who frequently consulted them.
As the reputation of the Delphic oracle grew, so did his material wealth. Grateful consultants lavishly presented the temple. The treasury was used for the construction of a complex of temples, amphitheaters, strong houses for the safekeeping of valuables and lodgings for the growing number of priests who came to live in Delphi.
Already in the 6th century BC, at the height of its power, the oracle received much more gold and silver than it could spend on works and embellishment, which made it the owner of one of the greatest treasures of ancient Greece.
The peak of the Oracle's importance in the ancient world took place between the 6th and 4th centuries BC In this period it directly influenced the politics of Ancient Greece through the consultations that great leaders carried out with it. Thus, the answers given – which were often enigmatic – advised decision-making. It was thanks to the Oracle that several wars took place and did not take place, building History as it is known

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