duminică, 20 septembrie 2020

Cezar si legiunile-sale !

1-Acest articol este copiat.

2-Istoria ramane pasiunea mea nr-1.

IVLIVS CÆSAR (Julius Caesar) created a CVRSVS HONORVM for the centurionate, which was based on the merits of the individual and not on his GENS or FAMILIA, nor that he was a patrician or plebeian, so much so that following particular gestures of heroism, some soldiers could to be promoted to the first ORDINES, where the PRIMVS PILVS of the legion was at the top.
Furthermore, it could also happen that a PRIMVS PILVS would be promoted to TRIBVNVS MILITVS (Military Tribune). Previously the tribunes were appointed by the SENATVS (Senate) and to have this post it was enough to be part of the senatorial class.
Having based a CVRSVS HONORVM for the centurionate on value and not on wealth, we remember that IVLIVS CÆSAR (Julius Caesar) had easy appointments, he greatly encouraged his people to emerge at all costs in battle, it was a real revolution because it gave a push not indifferent to the career of anyone who deserved it.

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